Common Questions

What is a computer refresh?

IMT defines computer refresh as the upgrade or replacement of APU issued computers with newly purchased models in order to provide APU employees with up-to-date technology that feature all capabilities needed to perform their duties. In the past, the term "Computer Refresh" may have been used to describe the process of making component upgrades (ex. increasing the amount of RAM or swapping out the hard drive for a solid state drive, etc..) to a particular computer; however, in this context, computer refresh is specifically referring to IMT purchasing a brand new computer and issuing it to an employee for the first time. APU has not done computer refreshes in this capacity since 2018.  For 2023, full-time employees with the oldest devices are being prioritized.

How does the refresh process work?

Once the new laptops arrive in July, 2023, you will be contacted to schedule a time to have your computer refreshed. On the day of your computer refresh, IMT technicians will setup your new laptop.

Can I buyout my old APU issued laptop?

Due to the limited nature of this year's refresh, IMT may need to hold onto the stock of older computers. Since there are many users who will still be using these older models, IMT needs a stock of replacement/swap computers on hand. Because of this, the refreshed laptops may not be sold. Please check the "Laptop Buyout" tab for more information.

How can I speed up the delivery of my new computer?

You can speed up your refresh process by requesting an expedited refresh, which is a process in which we can expedite or "speed up" the turn around time of getting your new computer deployed to you. A prerequisite to this process is that you have an up-to-date backup of all of your user data (i.e. personal photos, documents, downloads, music, videos, etc. that are usually stored in your user folder) at the time of your new computer being issued to you. This process is assuming you will not need IMT's assistance in transferring any data from your data backup. The new computer will come pre-loaded with all required APU software, but it will not include any of the user data from your old APU issued computer. The idea behind this process is that you are able to drop off your old APU issued computer to IMT, sign into your new computer, and leave without having to wait on an IMT technician to process any data transfer for you. This means that transferring the data from your old computer's data backup to your new computer will be solely your responsibility.

What if I work at a Regional Campus or work remotely?

If you work at a regional campus, or remotely, and you are able to come into the IMT Support Center located on main campus, that will allow for the quickest and easiest service for your computer refresh. If you are unable to travel to main campus, IMT can provide a shipping label for you to send in your old computer (You will have to supply your own box and packing materials), and then IMT can send out your new computer with your data transferred onto it. This process will require the following:

What software will come on my new computer?

All Windows computers will come with Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit and Microsoft Office 2019 Enterprise. All Apple computers will come with macOS Ventura and Microsoft Office 2019. Every APU issued computer contains carefully selected software and drivers that have been set up specifically for the computer you are issued. Any additional software that you need for your job functions can be installed in addition to software that is already on your computer. Not all software that you install on your laptop will be supported by IMT and may not transfer to your new computer. IMT does not support running Windows operating system on any Apple computers. 

What if something is not transferred during the refresh?

If you find that anything is missing, please contact the IMT Support Center and let them know what files you need and a technician will contact you to retrieve the files for you. Please keep in mind that IMT will not transfer programs that were installed by you that were not a part of the standard package of software that IMT includes on your laptop when we first deploy it to you. After two weeks, your old computer will be wiped and prepared for another employee to use. IMT does not retain backups of your old computers data for any longer than 2 weeks.

Who is responsible for data on my old APU issued computer?

IMT is NOT responsible or liable for any lost personal data on your APU issued computer. We recommend that you utilize local or cloud backup solutions to secure any personal data that you choose to store on your APU owned computer. Please keep in mind that any data you generate on your APU owned device belongs to the University and is subject to IMT access and archival. If you would like your personal data to be separated from APU's property, please do not load or store any personal files on your work computer.